[Everything I Make is Free To Use]
"Looking for work"
Let make something
I'm James
I've been wondering for a long time now and I have some goods you might be interested in
Things beyond the galaxy even
Stories through sound
Age 31, No one
Safety Explosives
Life ✝️ Forever a Student
Joined on 8/2/15
that sounds miserable, I'm sorry to hear you're goin' through this man, I hope things get better for you
i hope so too... i honestly thought i would be doing something other than working endlessly by now ...
but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way
i just needed to vent and i thought people needed a post from me
I don't want to disappear so in some small way i felt this would be a little better then staying silent and i dont really have much else going on
I'm lost on what i need to be doing