hope you feel better soon, in all aspects of your life.
[Everything I Make is Free To Use]
"Looking for work"
Let make something
I'm James
I've been wondering for a long time now and I have some goods you might be interested in
Things beyond the galaxy even
Stories through sound
Age 31, No one
Help Me I'm Cooking
Life ✝️ Forever a Student
Joined on 8/2/15
hope you feel better soon, in all aspects of your life.
Thank you ... been working a lot so i don't lose my house im so dead tired
ill be back on here soon to work here and in other places ^^
Cracked or bruised a rib, possibly...? I banged my chest once to the point I actually had trouble sleeping for a week or so, rib most probably... there's some kind of gland close to your solar plexus that activates the immune system, so I've learned that banging my chest actually seems to work as a means of activating that - at the least it probably gives a boost of adrenaline or something; makes you feel more alive. Little did I know it could have other consequences. XD So bang lightly if you bang! Anyway...
Speaking of bones, there's a small Vegan restaurant in Krakow called NoBones, that had maybe the most delicious vegan burger I've ever tasted, if you're ever around there.
Hope the situation starts looking up man... lately you really are going through some hurdles, hope the housing situations works out... seems good things going on on the creative front at least!
Much love!
it ended up being actually a broken rib but the solar plexus is genius .. been hitting it in stressful situations for a few years thought i didn't know there was actually science behind it.. just thought i was weird in that.
vegan food is a good time ^^ is i see a NoBones ill definitely try it... thought Krakow seems like a long run from Arizona.. kinda stuck here at the moment ^^;
i hope life turns around for me so I'm able to get places in life .. would love to eventually be a stronger force here .. also traveling and seeing the people I've only ever talked to online
its lonely being a creator sometimes but i would never change it.
I've heard a few bigger creators live here (one of them being someone I've follow since i was a kid) but Arizona doesn't seem to have anywhere that matched the energy here
Im online for now but hope to be more
Thanks CD
You are Golden
Oh it actually was broken no less! Dang man, how did you get it to break? Banging too? XD I haven't seen anyone but me do this before lmao, imagining people all over just walking around; banging their chests randomly around the city... originally I think I just saw it as a kind of hype-you-up kinda thing, it's cool how all things seem to serve a purpose somehow; puzzle pieces keep falling into place in regard to how thing work in the world!
Right you are quite aways away. XD I don't know why but I assumed you were in the UK earlier, your polite demeanor maybe... did spot the profile blurb location eventually but still I forget. Some day huh!
Hope so too. :) Rooting you reach both dreams and a more comfortable; richer state of being in this grand adventure that is our world! As long as we keep feeling that it is that; that there is potential to get places...
You too man, all the best!
i caught a bad cold and ended up coughing so hard i cracked my 5th true rib .. i have no idea and i went to work just like normal .. just in pain for 3 weeks.. it doesn't hurt as bad anymore and is a lot better then i thought.. my head was thinking i had lung damage so ill take the broken rib XD
I usually would smack my chest in high stress situations to calm down or if my ADHD was getting in the way of my focus .. also to hype myself up if i was feeling slow but that was very sparingly done. Wild world indeed
when i was 16 - 17 my only friends where over in the UK .. i self isolated from the age of 11 until around 28 to focus on art and music (music took over when i was 15 yo) and had little contact with anyone except a good group of British guys that i still have a strong amount of love for.. though I'm not sure if they feel the same .. my only IRL friend and i had a falling out in 2017 and though we've tried talking it always ends up bad.
Most my mannerisms are probably do to me interacting with British people as that is mostly what I've done .. i actually have gotten that a lot.
I'm hopeful that the future well at least be interesting ^^ What an honor it is to be bothered. the gift of life is that we are inconvenienced and have a choice in how we respond. the price of life is death but I'm seeing now that the struggle is the greatest gift and driving force for happiness in itself
Just got to figure out how to build instead of occupy space.. The finical side of the adventure is like reading braille for me .. and that has had me stuck for a long time
Ever improving
Thanks mate
Daaamn I did not know you could actually crack a rib from coughing! Good to hear it's better at least... been having some strange upper-right-rib-location pains myself lately, can't lie on my right side when I sleep, not well on my left side either, I wake up early every morning since I turn over in my sleep and seem to exceed some tolerable threshold of pain, but when I'm up and about I feel barely anything at all... doesn't seem like a bruise, wonder what it could be...
Awesome. :) Yeah it does work! Wonder how many people do this; somehow through trial and error discover the incredible physical benefits of chest smacking...
Oh! Interesting. I wonder what particular word-choices or manners of social interaction seem distinctly British... maybe it's the occasional cheers and mates. :) Though unfortunate about the one IRL friend... I have a couple, though we've moved apart; don't get together much now. Most social time I spend I spend online. Would be cool to have some of these digital connections carry over to the real world in time.
That's true. :) If you're at least not apathetic about life then there's promise... at least you know you're alive! And experiencing the journey.
Finical? Wondered if maybe that was meant to be financial? Or you mean the nuances of the adventure, how to actually impact progress, the details most people miss...? I ought learn a bit of braille some day too, such a different way of experiencing the world. :)
Indeed; all the best good dude!
i didn't know that ither / or ether .. i guess its ether .. seems that ither is a Scottish thing... just happened and i went to work with it .. its livable and not must can be done other than pain killers and i don't take meds unless its really needed
it may be a broken rib mate .. i can sleep well and it might be similar .. jus hope you have better health care over there so you can do something cuz it sucks here
I'm afraid of smacking my chest right now .. may give it some time but i so want to in the moments i use to ha ha XD
I aim to connect to everyone i interact with on a real journey IRL .. tho money kills me
Ribs grow back if the tissue isn't damaged and it will be stronger if it isn't messed up to bad.. the one bone that we compete with octopi but we aren't as good
I fudge words sometimes .. i left school in the 5th grade do to teachers and kids bullying me.. but went back to a correctional high school and graduated eventually so I'm at least job friendly ... so I'm not the best at text .. i read well tho..
i meant financial. XD
never lived in a nice place and that's the way the US wants it
i wish i could just live and make money collectively for creation as i don't need a lot. but the world has other plans and i now that is a plight that most people feel
I'm happy to exist and hope that it benefits people
i don't know how to care about myself any other way
Ah I didn't know ither either! :D Good to know. Mmm just bruised ribs can be painful enough, I hope it heals up quick man! Thank you. :) Mine seems to be getting better already so it might just be a strange muscle strain or something, or a bruise, they don't always take that long... was reading up on all sorts of internal issues that can be felt around the ribs though, some serious stuff that feels similar, paranoia brewed a moment. XD Everything tends to seem worse when you don't sleep well either...
Ahaha well yeah you'd best not for a while at least. XD If you get back to it best aim mostly just for the harder part, upper center, I don't recall what it's called but that immune-system gland thing's located around there also. + it withstands smacks better. :P
Amen. :) I interact with too many people around here really, with the vane ambition of making myself known to just about everyone I think, aside from actually helping the community, but all re-occurring and long-lasting interactions for sure! Like you and Jabun, whom I momentarily thought both lived in the UK and would thus be a bit easier to visit some day. XD Yeah man I'm on a money shortage too atm, though it shall get better, I'll be looking for new jobs soon as summer's over, plan to make the best of my surplus of spare time first, family farm could use some additional tending to too. Parents are both 80 y/o this summer, we'll be throwing on a pretty big party up there...
Yeah I've heard they heal themselves pretty well too, and just get stronger the more you injure, just gotta be careful how you move until they're all good. I wish we'd grow teeth like alligators too. :)
Fudge is also a highly British thing ain't it, or do I confuse with toffee? :D Oh dang, that early! You write well though, and know plenty, I haven't noticed any lack of fundamental lingual skills here, typos happen to everyone man! Gotcha. XD Hmm, it is a shame the US doesn't have more of a welfare system, really seems like a land of contrasts though, you can do superbly well if you make it, or very much not if you don't. Seems a bit more balanced in Europe, though it's crazy how much you pay in tax and all to make up for the service, so much is more expensive.
I do believe so. The creative realm's hard to compete it, seems most artists have other jobs on the side, but you definitely have the talent to make it you get a break some day! Your music is AMAZING. I'm not just saying. It really takes you places.
Humility's a praisable trait too. :) Caring about others may be the best care for yourself too, if only it's mutual; you get some back...
I hope you will recover soon!
thank you! I'm sure i will
Sorry to worry
maybe this isn't the place for health updates XD
never really sure how to approach news and blogs posts