Oh dang, ligaments actually torn clear off... has too much time gone by to reattach them? Or more so just a really complicated procedure/expensive/potentially risky? That's unfortunate...
To some extent maybe you can train other surrounding muscles to make up for the missing ligaments too. I've no idea how everything connects in a hand, but it seems to work somewhat for other body parts. My big bro for example tore some ligaments around a knee some years back, and though he still has to wear some kind of protection if he wants to do a sport that involves jumps/sideway kind of movements, it seems like the body's somewhat adapted as to hold the knee in place better overall.
Cynthia Rothrock too, I don't remember the details but she tore a bundle, and never got them fixed, they just kept filming, crazy old HK action cinema days...
Anyway I do hope you can do something about yours, if it's possible...
Damn, I wish you recover as soon as possible
thank you
I hope so too
Not sure how the future looks for someone with missing hand ligaments but I'm hopeful that ill learn to live with it in a way that i can continue making art..
7 months so far and its annoying ᴗ _ᴗ